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Green Tea
100% Natural Thermogenic Compound!

Green Tea
100% Natural Thermogenic Compound!
Green Tea

What is Green Tea?

Many Chinese people have been drinking green tea for centuries for all the positive aspects that it brings to your health. This has spread to people worldwide and green tea is now the second most popular beverage in the world. Green tea is said to have many health benefits, including lowering your cholesterol, boosting your immune system and helping to prevent cavities and tooth decay.

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The difference between the Green tea and the others is that green tea is not fermented, thus keeping in the powerful antioxidants lost in the fermenting process. Green tea also contains polyphenols such as tannins (a nutrient antioxidant) catchins (EGCG which is a powerful antioxidant), and flavenoids, as well as other vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin C. The antioxidants help your body fight against free radicals, which can mutate cells and make you sick.

Where does Green Tea come from?

Made from the dried leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, Green tea came from China between 4,000- 5,000 years ago. The story goes that an ancient Chinese Emperor was boiling water and some leaves fell into his pot. Now, green tea is popular all over the world, not only for the taste but also for its many health benefits.

Here are just a few known health benefits of green tea:

  • Boosts your immune system
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Helps prevent cavities and tooth decay
  • Slows the aging process
  • Helps reduce the risk of cancer
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Aids in weight loss by burning calories
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Prevents arthritis
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Reduces the risk of stroke
  • Lowers the risk of blood clot

Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Everyone can benefit from supplementing with green tea. Green tea is essential to good health in Adults of all ages and walks of life. It helps bodybuilders and athletes with its powerful antoxidants and it helpful intesinal cleasing effects, as it remove toxins from the body.

Green Tea is also very effective as a weight loss stimulant with it effects on body temperature and diuretic properties. Through thermogensis it help to burn off body fat as internal temperatures rise. Green Tea also simultaneously works to eliminate water from the body as a diuretic. These two reasons are why green tea has been used for years in bodybuilding supplements as a fatless catalyst.

How much should be taken? Are there side effects?

At present time there seems to no side effects on any severity associated with Green Tea consumption. Like with all supplements follow th manufactures instructions.

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"DID You Know"
Green Tea is a non fermented tea that keeps all of its natural antioxidant properties and thermogenic effects for fat loss and cardiovascular health!

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