We have received a lot of questions about how to bring up the one-rep max bench press lately. The main problem appears to be the inevitable sticking point a few inches above the chest. First of all, let me state for the record that we strongly advise AGAINST extremely heavy benching techniques for novice and intermediate level lifters. These techniques are better left to advanced competition lifters trying to reach for their ultimate ability. The routine list below is designed for those lifters looking to get a bigger bench along with a bigger stronger physique also, and should be use over the course of 12 weeks after which time you should try to test for a new MAX.
Heavy Bench
Light Bench
Note: The above poundages refer to a lifter who already has a 300 pound one rep max. Your numbers will vary depending on your individual goal. All your repetitions on your light days should be done as explosively as possible while maintaining your bench pressing form. NO wiggling or excessive movement should be allowed on any bench day. Setup as if your in competition. Practice makes perfect, so become comfortable with foot placement, bar placement and squeezing your shoulder blades together to bring your lats into your lift.
Always allow 3-4 days between training sessions. Below is a sample workout schedule.
Tags: Strength Programs Bench Press
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