Site News @

Site News @


New Supplement Page & New Index Page

New Accessories Page & Accessories Pages

It has been a damn minute since our last post, be we have been very busy!!! no damn excuse not to post what going on - WE got to do better - I know! Her is all thats new over the last 30 days - there may be allot more but hey this is what I remember!!!!

Check out the new accessories page as it is being updated weekly now with more shoes, clothing workout gears and gadgets being added every week. It gonna be really, really good!!!

Newest articles Just Added:

New Products Line Added:

New Products Just Added:

Besides all those additions we are revamping Bodybuilding Zone and will be starting to push out some of the new designs within the coming weeks so check them out as the section along with our others MS Power Club & Sportsfitness Connection are gonna be coming Soon!!!!

We are gonna make a ll the effort in the world to publish these update on the regular for now on so we will seeya in 30 days with another update on what's goning on - L8TR DAYZZZZ!!!!!!!


New Supplement Page & New Index Page

New Supplement Page & New Index Page

We just up loaded our new index page with a revamped more quicker design. Everything thing is easily accessible to all parts of the site and the nav bar has been updated with more current links to better serve all of our visitors.

New supplement store pages are also starting to roll out as designs have been streamline to make purchases smoother and faster with Amazon. Yes - you can bounce back & forth between both sites and your shopping cart is very secure and safe - 100%

Newest articles Just Added:

New Products Just Added:

See all New Suppleents

Till next timeā€¦



Old Entries

Site Update 02/15/21

Our first addition for 2021 is our addition of reviews on our supplement pages. You should start seeing them pop-up everywhere. Its a easy process, just click the review link and jot down 2-3 sentences about the supplement of choice. End it with if you would recommend the product or not. That is it, no rating just what you think of the item. Oh yeah, you will need a valid email address to post as we will send a reply before posting so spam won't be posted and neither will fake reviews. We all benefit from real reviews and opinions of real customers. Have at it!!!!!!!!

More Updates coming soon!
Thnk You D.L.

Site Update 11/30/20

We are in the final stages of all site design updates as it has been a very eventful year, We know most of you are saying we didn't see any updates for the last year. Well yeah thats one of the things about developing a new site, either you do it in full view or you pull back and developed in the background. We did both for a time but as things became more challenging with COVID we had to pull back under ground so to speak. So here is whats coming in 2021!

Our new Bodybuilding Zone, MS PowerClub (formerly - Powerlifting Pit) and Sport Fitness Connection eZines are all up and running spring of 2021, with issues coming out between the 1st & 15th of each month.

Up next will be a more rich and better articles section followed closely by a more complete a vast shopping section to including our exclusive line of clothing and accessories dropping in the Fall of 2021.

We didn't go away we just weren't under ground to better deliver a more rich and robust product.
Thank You!

Site Update 07/29/20

Its been a long time since reporting, but we have been very busy behind the scenes as alway with allot of site changes and site additions. As you see from the new Index page we have now settled on a design style, it works for us and everyone seems to like it. Our new Article sections should be rolling out starting on 8/3/20 with a new Article page. Bodybuilding Zone returns in August along with Fitness Connection. Power Club come back in September. Ton of updates coming on new companies added to the MuscleShop. Things are going to be changing weekly and sometime daily as the site is going to grow allot over the next 6 months. We thank you for all you input and stay health and safe! Thank You!

Site Update 06/23/19

Its been a long time since reporting, but we have been very busy behind the scenes with allot of site changes and site additions. As you see fro the new Index page we have now settled on a design which we have gotten good reviews from you and it fits with all mobile devices as well. This marks the finalization of our initial site design and now begins the roll out of many, many, many pages. We thank all those who have continued to visit while we were doing the updates without updating you our community. To that we say sorry, give always are coming later in the year. With this update I say thank you and promise you will hear from US each and every month from now on, again Thank You!

More News coming later. See ya in a few. No Bull just the real shit, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, and Sports Fitness portal on the internet!

Animal Juiced Amino Acids - BCAA/EAA Matrix Plus Hydration with Electrolytes and Sea Salt Anytime Recovery and Improved Performance!


BCAA/EAA Matrix Plus Hydration with Electrolytes!

Ninja BL660 Professional Compact Smoothie & Food Processing Blender

Ninja - BL660
Professional Compact Smoothie & Food Processing Blender!