Article Database

Trusted Information for over 20 Years!

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Solution to building Up Stubborn Arms

Solution to building Up Stubborn Arms

Tried and tested old school bodybuilding routines designed to pack serious meat on to your upper arms!

Brace Yourself: Building a Quality Lower Back

Brace Yourself: Building a Quality Lower Back

A short, but complete guide to building up your lower back musculature!

Glutmine: Bodybuilders forgotten Amino for Size and Muscle Growth

Glutmine: Bodybuilders forgotten Amino for Size and Muscle Growth

Utilizing one of the most abundant and anabolic aminos acids within the human body!

Decreased Workout Time - Equals More Muscle

Decreased Workout Time - Equals More Muscle

Shorter and more intense workouts for the natural bodybuilder of 60 to 75 minutes, build more muscle!

The Body Anabolic

The Body Anabolic

The positive effects of keeping your body in a nitrogen rich environment naturally for muscle growth!

Eating to beat the Stress of Your Workouts

Eating to beat the Stress of Your Workouts

Eating a high quality natural diet helps the body de-stress and recuperate from even the hardest workouts faster!

BSN N.O.-Xplode

BSN N.O.-Xplode

A closer look at one of the best pre-workout supplements on the market after 20 pears, BSN NO-Xplode.

Building Big Thick Forearms

Building Big Thick Forearms

Bodybuilding Question & Answer{ Build big strong forearms that give you a bone crushing grip!

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey

A closer look at one persons useage and observation about Optimum 100% Whey for muscle building or muscle sparing.

Building Big Shoulders: Delts & Traps

Building Big Shoulders: Delts & Traps

Comprehensive shoulder building workouts!

bodybuilding articles - click here

Bodybuilding: Who Said The Basics Don’t Work?

Who Said The Basics Don’t Work?

When someone says, “The basics do not work,” what he is really saying is that he has never adequately tried ‘the basics’ in their entirety.

The Mental Bodybuilder

The Mental Bodybuilder

After many years in the sport, we have concluded that the mind is responsible for your rate of progress. Complete description of the minds role in your progress.

The Paradox of Training

The Paradox of Training

In order to gain the most muscle size possible you have to train the least amount of time possible to achieve your desired results!

Basics First

Basics First

Insightful article on getting the basics of exercise down first before more muscle specific workouts.

Make this Your Year for Bodybuilding Success

Make this Your Year for Bodybuilding Success

Make this your year for success in bodybuilding with our complete guide for achieving your goals.

Beginning Bodybuilding

Beginning Bodybuilding

A 3 Day split routine for the begining bodybuilder and fitness enthusiast!

powerlifting articles - click here

Road To Power

Road To Power

It sometimes feels like there is a big secret to success when you are the new guy at the gym, and no one is letting you in on it. Well here it is, the article you have been waiting for.

Powerlifting: 15 Weeks To Super Power

15 Weeks To Super Power

A comprehensive 15 week program designed for size, power, strength and speed.

What All Squatters Knee'd To Know

What All Squatters Knee'd To Know

Knowledge is power especially when it come to squatting, learn how to squat with power and save your knee joints at the same time from one of the worlds legendary squatters!

The 3 P's: Bench, Squat, Deadlift

The 3 P's: Bench, Squat, Deadlift

A look at the three powerlifting movements and how improving them can effect more than your total.

Bedrock Power: Beginning Powerlifting

Beginning Powerlifting

Beginning your powerlifting training with the foundation program that has help hundreds get off on firm footing!

Bench Like An Animal - Part 1

Bench Like An Animal - Part 1

A five part series for the beginner to the advanced to achieve a monster bench press, AnimalPak style!

nutrition articles - click here

3 Pre-workout Bodybuilding Meals to help boost performance!

3 Pre-workout Bodybuilding Meals to help boost performance!

The foods you have within 3-4 hours before your workout can have a devastating effect on your workout performance and recovery so make the right choices for muscle gains along with boosted performance!

Top 8 Supplements for Bodybuilders & Strength Athletes

Top 8 Supplements for Bodybuilders & Strength Athletes

These are the top 8 supplements that work as hard as you do during your training to help you achieve your strength, size and performance goals.

Bodybuilding Supplements & Workout Guide

Bodybuilding Supplements & Workout Guide

All of the beginners in's and out of nutrion, workouts and supplements. Getting started on the right foot is the key to success.

Off-Season Over Eating

Off-Season Over Eating

5 tips for keeping your offseason eating binges under control!

Sports Supplements 101

Sports Supplements 101

Sports Supplements 101 is a comprehensive approach for nourishing the body for repair, growth & performance!

5 foods to avoid before your workouts!

5 foods to avoid before your workouts!

A quick list of the top 5 foods you need to avoid before your workouts to make sure not to sabotage yourself!

WVX Half Gallon Water Bottles

Half Gallon Water Bottles

Leakproof Large BPA-Free Water Jug! Articles Database - Each week new articles are added on bodybuilding ,powerlifting ,strength ,fitness training as well as articles on nutrition, and supplements that actually work and will help you achieve your goals. Information pages that list all supplements of a certain category so you know your supplements a little better are also included.



Full Article Listing

  • bodybuilding
  • powerlifting / conditioning
  • nutrition