Shoulder Training Workouts & Articles

Building Big Deltoids & Huge Traps!

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Shoulder Training Articles: The shoulders are composed of three separate muscle structures called heads - the front (anterior), side (lateral), and rear (posterior). Each head raises the arm in a slightly different direction. For maximum shoulder impressiveness bodybuilders must have all three heads equally developed. Try our workouts below and start working toward award winning delts!

Shoulder Training Workouts & Articles

Tags: Shoulder

Shoulder(Deltiod & Traps) Training Workouts & Tips

Exercise/Beginner Routine # of Sets # of Reps
Standing Barbell Presses 2-3 sets 12-8* reps
Barbell Upright Rows 2-3 sets 12-8* reps
Printable Workout
Exercise/Intermediate Routine # of Sets # of Reps
Seated Front Presses 3-4 sets 12-6* reps
Dumbbell Side Laterals 2-3 sets 8-10 reps
Dumbbell Bent Laterals 3 sets 8-10 reps
Printable Workout
Exercise/Advanced Routine # of Sets # of Reps
Seated Front Presses 3-4 sets 12-5* reps
Dumbbell Side Laterals 3 sets 8-10 reps
Seated Dumbbell Bent Laterals 3 sets 8-10 reps
Cable Upright Rows 2-3 sets 12-8* reps
Printable Workout

*Exercises marked with an asterisk have weights and reps pyramided, the poundage increased and repetitions decreased with each succeeding set.* All working sets should be performed with as much weight that can be handled correctly.


Shoulder Training Tips to increase growth & shape! Lee Preist Posing

Shoulder training is more about precision than weight. To much emphasis on poundage leads to aches, pain and discomfort. So use weights that can be felt in the target area and not some auxiliatory muscle. As with back training on most standing presses and heavy shrugs wear a belt. What we have listed below are some of the absolute complete development shoulder training workouts there are, bar none!

Top 5 Shoulder Training Tips:
  1. Move Your Presses to the Front: Front presses are safer on the shoulder joint when going heavy for most trainers because of flexibility in the shoulder joint!
  2. Slow it Down: Never use momentum on lateral raise as this causes the exercise to shift front the side towards the front of the shoulder!
  3. Prioritize the Weak: Hit your weak areas first while your strength is high, will help you bring up lagging areas and improve structural balance and health!
  4. Watch the Volume: Your shoulders especially the front deltiods are involved in all pressing activity so they get some work while doing chest training. The same with your rear delts during your back session. So do think you have to do excessive sets to get growth as your shoulders are getting that extra indirectly.
  5. Balance is the key to Strength: Remember that your shoulder joint is not really a joint at all but a capsule that relies on all parts being in balance to be at its strongest. Making sure all three heads of your shoulders are equally strong crates a very balanced and strong shoulder joint!

Other workouts ---------


Exercise/ Routine #1 # of Sets # of Reps
Front Shoulder Presses 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Side Lateral Raises 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Bent-Over Lateral Raises 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Upright Rows 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Exercise/ Routine #2 # of Sets # of Reps
Dumbbell Presses 3-4 sets 10-15* reps
Side Lateral Raises 6-7 sets 12-20* reps
Front Dumbbell Raises 4-5 sets 10-15* reps
Cable Upright Rows 4-5 sets 10-15* reps
Bent-Over Lateral Raises 6-7 sets 12-15* reps
Exercise/ Routine #3 # of Sets # of Reps
Dumbbell Presses 4 sets 12 reps
Front Raises 4 sets 12 reps
Bent-Over Laterals (Cable) 4 sets 12 reps
Side Laterals (Cable) 4 sets 12 reps
Exercise/ Routine #4 # of Sets # of Reps
One Arm Dumbell Side Laterals 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Seated Smith Machine Presses
Behind Neck
4-5 sets 5-12* reps
Cable Bent Laterals 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Standing Barbell Presses 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Exercise/ Routine #5 # of Sets # of Reps
Machine Front Presses 5 sets 6-15* reps
Dumbbell Upright Rows 5 sets 8-15* reps
One Arm Dumbbell Side Laterals 4-5 sets 10-12 reps
Dumbbell Bent Laterals 4-5 sets 10-12 reps
Exercise/ Routine #6 # of Sets # of Reps
Dumbbell Front Laterals 3 sets 10 reps
Dumbbell Side Laterals 3 sets 10 reps
Seated Dumbell Bent Laterals 3 sets 10 reps
Seated Presses Behind Neck 3 sets 10 reps
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