Every 3 months we shift through the data and find the TOP 10 articles are tabulated by us here at MuscleSports.net based on your reading habits. These are at the “time” the most popular articles as chosen by our visitors and some in house readers. Thank you for visiting, and please come back and make us your #1 destination for unbiased training and nutritional advice.
Old school arm workout designed to help you bust through barriers and achieve more size, strength and definition in your arms in 12 weeks naturally!
A complete bodybuilding guide on how to use phase-training to help increase muscle mass, strength, and power!
"High volume strength training method which is sometimes call the 10x10 method which has it roots of origin in Germany.
To get beyond what most people call big takes a special mentality that most of us don't have, we look at the 3 main aspects of attaining monster size.
The foods you have within 3-4 hours before your workout can have a devastating effect on your workout performance and recovery so make the right choices for muscle gains along with boosted performance!
A starter guide for the money conscious bodybuilder to build a complete working budget that covers all his or her nutrition needs of both food and supplements.
A quick list of the top 5 foods you need to avoid before your workouts to make sure not to sabotage yourself!
3 different chest workouts to boost muscle growth and strength, designed to help you to bust through training plateaus!
A complete guide for anyone looking know what works and what doesn't in their search for the right supplement designed to add muscle mass to their physique!