First and foremost, everybody here at the Shack is a true believer in basic is best. Basic movements add the most muscle mass to your body in the shortest period of time. Were talking movements like deadlifts, chins, bent rows, pulldowns (yes pulldowns are basic) and variations there of should be your bread and butter exercises. Carving movements (movements that bring detail) like DB rows, pulley rows, reverse grip pulldowns and the like have their advantages but should be let for the end of the workout. Below is a tried and true routines that brings results and triumph on the stage and off.
With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with a shoulder width or slightly wider over hand or mixed grip. Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return and repeat. Target muscle is exercised isometrically. Throughout lift keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight. Keep bar close to body to improve mechanical leverage. Because it's a power movement you should strive to use heavy weights for 6-10 reps for a total of 3-4 sets. Another variation are particials. You set up the safety pins in a squat rack at the knees or slightly below that will be your starting point for this exercise. This variation of deadlift allows you to lift heavier weights over the regular deadlift. Also it lets you feel the back muscles much more efficiently without excessive involvement from legs and lower back. Alternate between both versions fromm week to week to build length and thickness in the back muscles.
Second exercise is Bent Over Rows. Once again keep the form tight using 3 second negative (lowering phase) and 2 second positive. You can vary your tempo from workout to workout to further stimulate muscle growth. You should complete a total of 3 sets aiming for 6-10 reps. Bend knees slightly and bend over bar with back straight. Grasp bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull bar to upper waist. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward.
Grasp cable bar with a wide grip. Sit with thighs under supports. Pull down cable bar to upper chest. Return until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Keep your focus on not swinging back and forth as you pull the bar to your chest instead practice pushing your upper chest toward the bar as you pull it down. This will help stablize the movement and allow for a very hard contraction at the bottom of the movement. Keep your form tight and use a 3 second negative (lowering phase) and a 2 second positive. You should complete 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps.
Forth Exercise are dumbbell pullovers. The object of this exercise is to get a full stretch in the lat and serratus. Complete 2 set of 12 - 15 reps for this exercise. Lie upper back perpendicular on bench. Flex hips slightly. Grasp one dumbbell from behind or from side with both hands under inner plate of dumbbell. Position over chest and fix elbows 15° to 30° throughout exercise. Lower dumbbell over and beyond head until upper arm is parallel to torso. Repeat.
Routine #1We can hear it now when we said chins. Oh I can't do chins then you need to do them assisted with a bench under you to spot yourself to completion of the movement or have a spotter give you just enough help. Complete 2 sets of 10-12 reps. Make sure to stretch full at the bottom and pull as high as possible with you chest arched toward the chining bar. Make sure to execute each rep with out swinging and twisting as this will expose you to injury.
Second exercise is Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows. This exercise is the same as regular bent over rows, but you will be using an underhanded grip (curl grip) on the bar instead. Once again keep the form tight using 3 second negative (lowering phase) and 2 second positive. You can vary your tempo from workout to workout to further stimulate muscle growth. You should complete a total of 3 sets aiming for 6-10 reps. Bend knees slightly and bend over bar with back straight. Grasp bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull bar to upper waist towards you belly button. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward.
Third exercise are One Arm DB Rows. Complete 3 set of 10 reps for this exercise. The function for this exercise is to stretch out your back muscles. It is completed in a slow rythmic motion with a full stretch at the bottom of the movement and then very explosive positive. By completing a very full stretch, you put a human body at a disadvantage point, where it assumes you are about to pull a muscle from the extreme stretch and the body will react with a very strong contraction and greater muscle fiber recruitment. It take a little bit of time to fully develop this technique and truly know how far to stretch and at what point the body will just contract the given muscle. Start with light weights and slowly increase the weight as you become more comfortable with this exercise done in this way. Kneel over side of bench with arm and leg to side. Grasp dumbbell. Pull dumbbell to side until upper arm is just beyond horizontal or height of back. Return until arm is extended and shoulder is stretched forward. Repeat. Continue with opposite arm.
Fourth exercise are Behind The Neck Pulldowns. The exercise is performed similar to front pulldowns at the beginning. You should still arch your back, but as you pull the bar down make sure to lean slightly forward and pull the bar behind your head. Pull bar down to just below ear level and concentrate on squeezing your upper back as you pull. This place the stress on the back and not the biceps. Complete 3 set of 10-12 reps.
Routine #2Well, there you have it! A BACK BLITZ that produces results. Make sure to feed your body high quality protein and simple carbohydrates after your training to replenish nutrients and stimulate fast recover and muscle growth. That's The Real Shit!
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