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Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 56547Rob 04/08/2019
Comments: A solid extra protein source. Been using it 2 times a day for the last monthand have seen a good increase in my workout recovery. Gained about 7 pounds of quality weight. Good protein. Used vanilla flavor.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 56479Tammy 09/27/2018
Comments: Good proteinnothing special. Added some extra creatine and glutaine for post workout shake.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 4
Mixability (Powders Only): 4
Effectiveness: 3
Value: 4
Overall Rating: 3.75
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 53453Uri 07/09/2018
Comments: Animal whey is another winner from ANIMAL!
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 05464Kevin 06/03/2018
Comments: Good protein for post workouts! I have yet to use this as my primary extra protein because it doesn't come unflavored.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 4
Overall Rating: 4.75
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 64345Dave 02/19/2018
Comments: This THING came to my house damaged & smelled like rotten eggs! Never got to use the damn stuff!!!!!
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 2
Mixability (Powders Only): 2
Effectiveness: 2
Value: 2
Overall Rating: 2.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 08763RunningMan 11/02/2017
Comments: Got this to replace combat and see which is better. I believe that they are smack dab even. Combat has more flavor so that could be an advantage. Over all both got a 4.5 form me so they are even.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 4
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 4
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 4.5
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 54534Statter 08/25/2017
Comments: It was okay.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 4
Mixability (Powders Only): 4
Effectiveness: 4
Value: 4
Overall Rating: 4.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 419821TheBulldog 07/23/2017
Comments: ** No Message **
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 77656Hank 07/20/2017
Comments: ** No Message **
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 3
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 4.5
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 55420PJ 05/08/2017
Comments: I like it! Taste good with no after taste or clumping in my bottle. The fact that it mixes gives it a 4 star rating as many don't mix in your bottle.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 21818Jake 05/06/2017
Comments: Good taste and mixes easy with shaker cup.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 54454DD 04/27/2017
Comments: ** No Message **
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 40054Tony 03/03/2017
Comments: Helps keep my calories up as my metab is very fast and i tend to loose bodyweight fast and this helps me keep my weight on and not loose strength during my workouts.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— 04663GG 01/15/2017
Comments: Very good protein but needs creatine added in to make it even better. add 10 grams with toyur shake it really f@cking takes off! Use a blendeer to mix, okay in cup but blender works best.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 4
Mixability (Powders Only): 4
Effectiveness: 4
Value: 4
Overall Rating: 4.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
— Onni94041 09/11/2016
Comments: Excellent for an MRP witha couple of addtions. On workout days 2 scoops in the morning and 2 scoop after working out has help me gain 12 pounds in just 5 weeks and a 10 pound bag last me 2 months. Well worth the price and then some!
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 5
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 5.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
Comments: I use this every day of year during the off season to gain functional mass to push maximum weights. Chocolate and Vanilla favorites.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 5
Mixability (Powders Only): 4
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 4
Overall Rating: 4.5
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
--Bill D.
Comments: Taste good but need a blender to mix, shaker aint gonna get the job done. Good protein to carb ratio. Gained a solid 12 puonds in 7 weeks.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 4
Mixability (Powders Only): 3
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 4
Overall Rating: 4.0
Bodybuilding Supplements: ANIMAL WHEY
Comments: AS mixed protein go this one was the only one that I didn't get fat from. Been using it for 2 years now and bwt is steady with a very fast metabolism. If you are like me a burn calories fast and need to maintain a higher weight to this stuff, it works.
Taste (Powders/Bars Only): 4
Mixability (Powders Only): 4
Effectiveness: 5
Value: 5
Overall Rating: 4.5
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