Attaining Maximum Arm Size Workout

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Attaining Maximum Arm Size Workout
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Bodybuilder doing barbell curls.

Most people recognize a bodybuilder by his muscular arms. The arms are usually the first muscle people notice. If your arms are developed then you have a good start on your bodybuilding career.

The main muscles of the upper arms are the bicep and tricep. Let’s first talk about the bicep.

The bicep is a two headed muscle, having two tendons of origin and a single tendon of insertion. It is primarily a muscle of the elbow joint. The two heads of the bicep converge to a common tendon of insertion. They have a common action at the elbow joint.

The tricep is a three-headed muscle, the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head. The tricep is 2 ⁄ 3 of the upper arm, and should be worked as hard as the bicep. It takes complete balance of the tricep and bicep to make an impressive arm.

Complete arm development has to have a good forearm. The forearm pronates and supernates, which means turns right and left. It also flexes and extends, which means up and down.

There are many exercises that can be done to work the arms. No one exercise can build a muscle to its fullest. While working the bicep you have to make sure you’re working both heads of the bicep, and while working the tricep you have to make sure you’re working all three heads. It takes months to find the right arm program for you. A bodybuilder should try many different exercises to see which is best for him. We’ve been recommending this same arm program for three years and many arms over the years have improved with better in shape and increased size. The most important thing in working any body part is consistency. You can’t give up after three months.

Many people ask us who has the best arms in bodybuilding. I would have to say Arnold Schwarzenegger, Boyer Coe, Rick Wayne, Dave Draper, Albert Beckles, Lee Preist, and don’t forget, the man himself Ronnie Coleman.

Here is the arm program, I hope you will find success in this routine. We suggest superseting bicep and triceps every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


:: Supersets ::

A superset is a form of bodybuilding training in which you move quickly from one exercise to a separate exercise with in the same muscle group without taking a break for rest in between the two exercises.


Bench Press superset with Flat Bench Flyes You would take you turn bench pressing and when the amount of reps to complete the sets are achieved you would then go straight into flat bench dumbbell flyes without much rest between exercises. Period of rest is usually just long enough to get situated for the new exercise. This is a Superset.

Exercise Directory @

Maximize Arm Size Workout
3 Days a Week Training Split Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All exercises are super setted with as little rest between the 2 exercises as it take to get ready for each exercise. Rest 90 seconds between superset exercises & 2 minutes betweeen supersets.
Exercises Sets Reps
A: DB Incline Curls 4 Sets 8 Reps
A: DB French Press 4 Sets 8 Reps
B: Barbell Curls 4 Sets 10 Reps
B: Lying Tricep Extensions 4 Sets 10 Reps
C: BB Preacher Bench Curl 5 Sets 15 Reps
C: Tricep Pushdowns 5 Sets 10 Reps
Preform forearm work with 5 straight sets of BB reverse curls or BB wrist curls.
BB Reverse Curls with for forearms 5 Sets 15 Reps

I try to do all my exercises strict and slow, with a lot of mental concentration. Also remember, it’s not how big your arms tape — it’s how it looks that counts.

Get your rest, and eat good food, and you should get the reward you want — GOOD ARMS!

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