Heavily Armed

Bodybuilding Training Design For Building Massive Arms!

Heavily Armed
Author Writter Image By: MuscleSports.net

Arm training for all levels of development from beginner to advanced. Learn how to increase your arm size!

8 x Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman
8 x Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman
Training arms - Awesome!

The dream of all those who aspire to bodybuilding greatness is to have guns, or be the cannons of 20+ inches hanging from their shoulders. Having big arms is still and will always be one of the most desirable traits associated with any form of weight training. If you think were lying, checkout olympic lifter around your club, they use biceps i a minimal capacity in their training but you will see them training biceps because, hey they like big arms to, maybe not to the extent as the rest of us but none the same. This article details thre phases of traing to launch you on your way to that 20+ inche barrier. Good Luck!

Prelude: Overall Scheduling

Most of the time when observing or constructing training programs for our visitors and clients we ask them to give us an idea of what their current training is like. More times than not, its all fucked-up! This is not a type-o and we're not being vulgar just to curse. Most people training today have routines that are designed for guys on more gear than inside your neighborhood pharmacy. To complicate matters, magazines are now listing so called growth or mass programs with all the glitz and glamor (cool pictures of phony training photos) but the underlying routine is still a piece of crap.

>> Look lets start with bodypart scheduling. If your training clean and taking very little to no supplements your training schedule should be three days a week of weight training with one to two days of aerobics at the end of each weeks sessions (on off days if you feel the need to be in the gym). Hey if your in this phase, you probably have job and family responsibilities so 20 plus inchers may not be you first priority, but you will still be able to obtain very good arm size using the first two phases of the arm programs listed below.

Traing Split: 3 Days a week Split

>> Now we come to the recreational bodybuilder. This is the category just about 70% of all trainers fall into. Some have done a few show, while others are content to stay on the sidelines look the part. The problem here is that most of these guys are not adhering to the limitations of their circumstances either. Some want to make the leap toward hardcore training which means a level of dedication and commitment that few can accept. They already have their training at professional levels. So why aren't my arms their. Probably because their over trained and under nourished. Lets get real, unless you eat, sleep, and crap training, diet, and supplementation give up the 15-20 sets for biceps and triceps and return to a routine that matches your current situation and level.

Traing Split: 5 Days a week Split

>> The elite competitive level bodybuilder. Be proud of your self and accomplishments. Your in the top 10-8% of all those out there training in gyms around the world. Most have a very good idea of diet and supplementation, and most have tailored their training schedules to meet the requirements of the current plans on their agendas. Still at this level most can use some variety in their training, and experimentation with different things such as drop-set ladder-set, partial-reps, forced-reps, staggered sets and so on, help to flush out that extra bit of growth.

Traing Split: 4-5 on 1-2 day off

At this level training sessions change due to ever changing priorities as contest and travel dictates, but most at this level cycle their training with a schedule of 4-5 days on and 1-2 days off for recuperation. This is also along with splits during the day of morning and evening training sessions to maximize GH release from workout sessions.

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Arm Training Routines:

Phase #1: Beginner ( Training 0-6 months without breaks )

Beginner Routine #1

Exercises # of Sets # of Reps
Standing Barbell Curls 3-4 sets 8-12 reps
Seated Barbell Scott Curls 2 sets 8-12 reps
Close-Grip Bench Presses 3 sets 12-6* reps
Pulley Pushdowns 2 sets 8-12 reps

Beginner Routine #2

Exercises # of Sets # of Reps
Seated Dumbbell Curls 3 sets 8-12 reps
Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curls 2 sets 8-12 reps
Close-Grip Bench Presses 3 sets 12-6* reps
Pulley Pushdowns 2 sets 8-12 reps

Phase #2: Intermediate ( Training 6-8 months without breaks )

Intermediate Routine #1

Exercises # of Sets # of Reps
Standing Barbell Curls 3-4 sets 8-12 reps
Seated Barbell Scott Curls 2 sets 8-12 reps
Close-Grip Bench Presses 3 sets 12-6* reps
Pulley Pushdowns 2 sets 8-12 reps

Intermediate Routine #2

Exercises # of Sets # of Reps
Seated Dumbbell Curls 3 sets 8-12 reps
Seated Dumbbell Concentration Curls 2 sets 8-12 reps
Lying Triceps Extensions 3 sets 10-12 reps
Triceps Pushdowns 2 sets 10-12 reps

Phase #3: Advanced ( Training 2+ years without breaks )

Advanced Routine #1

Exercises # of Sets # of Reps
Preacher Curls 4 sets 10-12 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curls 4 sets 10-12 reps
Cable Preacher Curls 4 sets 10-12 reps
Concentration Curls 4 sets 8-10 reps
Lying Triceps Extensions 3-4 sets 6-15 reps
Triceps Pushdowns 3-4 sets 6-15 reps
Reverse One-Arm Cable Pushdowns 3-4 sets 6-15 reps

Advanced Routine #3

Exercises # of Sets # of Reps
Preacher Curls 4 sets 10-12 reps
Standing Dumbbell Curls 4-5 sets 6-12 reps
Incline Curls 4-5 sets 6-12 reps
Preacher Curls 4-5 sets 6-12 reps
Dumbbell Seated Triceps Extensions 4-5 sets 8-12 reps
Decline Barbell Triceps Extensions 4 sets 8-12 reps
Pulley Pushdowns 4 sets 8-12 reps

Remember everything is possible with dedication, knowledge and correct nutrition. So make sure you eat to fuel your life and your workouts.

Tags: workout programs arms

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