Decreased Workout Time - Equals More Muscle!

Moving the SAME amount of weight in less time = MASS!

Decreased Workout Time - Equals More Muscle!
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All natural bodybuilders get in and out of the gym within 75 minute so YOUR body can recuperate and grow!

For the natural bodybuilder decreasing your workout time while maintaining the same amount of work brings more muscle growth. It very important for you to think of muscular size and training efficiency as on in the same. More efficient training equals more muscle growth!

The training logic is very simple, fatigue the muscle with the training then allow it to recuperate and growth. When your a natural bodybuilder or steroid free and are only using supplements getting that extra rest is crucial to adding on more muscle mass. The concept of over training is very real for natural bodybuilders that follow workouts that don't allow their bodies to recuperate fully between workouts.

Workout Optimizaton Chart

To optimize your workouts you will need to follow some very fundamental concepts: 1)High Intensity, 2)Free Weight Exercises (for the most part), 3)Basic Exercises, 4)Heavy Weights (most exercises in the 6-10 rep range), 5)Lower Set totals per muscle group. High intensity means 30 seconds rest between set, or just enough time for your workout partner to finish his/her set. NO BSing!!! Heavy weight means the same weight you would be using if you were resting your customary 2 minutes between sets. Low set mean 10-12 per body part or lower! Lowe reps means you will always push for 8 reps - PERIOD!

To see how this training would work here is a sample chest workout: (Warm-ups not counted)

First exercise is DB Flat Bench Press. We do 2 warm=up set of about 15-20 reps but then advance quickly up to our maximum weight over 4 working sets with just 30 seconds rest between set or long enough for my partner to complete their set. Second Exercise are Incline DB Presses and preform the same sequence over 4 set maxing out on the last set squeezing out 7-8 reps with the same amount of rest time. Third and final exercise we than move on to Chest Dips* or Standing Cable flyes for 3 set of 10 reps with the same rest times. Adding weight to our dips to keep the reps below 12.

*Chest dips are preformed with you leaning forward into the movement to stretch the pecs and returning back up-right squeezing the pecs on the way up.

This entire chest workout take about 25-30 minutes with a training partner and 20 minutes by your self! It is brutal and vert efficient. Pushing to keep poundage as high as possible with the minimal rest periods will destroy any plateaus your training is experiencing - PERIOD! For the natural bodybuilder this shit works wonders at build rock solid muscle mass and crazy strength!

Forget about those marathon training sessions you see everybody doing on YouTube or where ever they are only good if your on some kinda gear. If your goal is to use good quality supplements and crazy training to build your body, then this is the training style you should be deploying! Remember though this is HARDCORE natural training so you will needs to cycle this style with a little lower intensity where you are getting that 90 seconds of rest between sets to keep your body from falling into a catabolic state!

Tags: bodybuilding life workout programs

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