The Body Anabolic

Effects of a positive nitrogen balanced body!

The Body Anabolic
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Amino acids make up protein and positive nitrogen balance means that your protein usage is in full production. - PERIOD!

Vince Gironda

Vince Gironda - Bodybuilding & Nutrition Pioneer of the 1950s, 60s and 70s…

Its amazing that most people today only think that you can grow a body of pretty damn good size and strength with the use of drugs! Hell most believe that all those guys back in the 50s and 60s were on drugs. That shit tis bat shit crazy because most people training at that time didn't even know what steroids or anabolic drugs were. All they knew was that consuming large amounts of food and lifting heavy weights made their muscles grow. Anabolic Eating!

With all the advantages of today it still amazes us here that so many people jump straight into PED's so quickly after starting their bodybuilding journey. Why not take advantage of what those in the 50s & 60s were doing with the use of modern day supplements. PEDs do NOT build lasting strength and size. When the gear goes away so do almost all the gains. ALMOST ALL! You will be lucky to keep any of the size gained. A shit load of those old dudes were strong until they passed and most stayed in good health. Lets find out what they were doing!


Positive Nitrogen Balance: This was their KEY to unlimited muscle growth. Keep the body in a permanent state of positive nitrogen balance then you should be able to create muscle 24 hours a day. Hey those guys back in the 50s, 60S & 70s preached this from th roof tops to anyone who would listen.

Effects of a Positive Nitrogen Balance: As a bodybuilder you already know that protein helps supports body tissue synthesis, repair and that amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Nitrogen is the by-product of protein metabolism. The balance of nitrogen in your body (intake vs. output) measures Measures your bodies protein turnover. When you have a positive nitrogen balance protein synthesis is at its peak! A negative balance means your body is not getting enough protein and will start to search else where to fulfill its protein needs such as your muscle tissue. This where solid whey protein or amino acid supplementation comes in if meals are not available!


Bodybuilding Bubble Gut

One of the biggest problems in modern day bodybuilding is OVEREATING! You will see people (bodybuilders) stuffing their face with 6-7 meals a day in the hopes of packing on muscle mass! When you couple those eating habits with PEDs your looking at diaster coming down the road. As we were talking about in previous paragraphs about positive nitrogen signaling peak anabolic activity in the body, well drugs amplify the process 5-10 fold. It's the reason that you hear geared up body builder always talking about the pump, because unlike normal circumstances where your cells shut of the nutrient spigot they stay fully open with the geared up bunch. The problem is most never control this activity and allow their body complete down times during the year which causes distended abdomens. Remember when your on gear EVERYTHING grows!


Forget about gear and do thing in a way that will keep you healthy and strong for all your days, not just a few during your 20s & 30s, but well beyond your 70s! Do you eat oh hell yeah you do! How about 4-5 meals day! That rates out to about every 3.5 hours a day, just the right amount of time to allow all your food to clear your gut & large intestine before your stuffing more into your face. To keep that anabolic engine going we are also gonna take 4-5 Peptide Bonded Amino Acid tablets or Beef Liver tablets between meals so we smooth over and nitrogen lapses. Those old guys back in the 50s & 60 used to live by the stuff and that when you had your first 600 pound benches, 800 pound squats and deadlifts! With today higher quality aminos and liver tablets you will feel the difference in a few days with more energy, less belly bloat and increased strength.


BCAA & EAA Chart

EAAs & BCAAs: It takes BCAAs to keep you going longer and stronger during your workouts! The branch chain amino acids Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine are the aminos your body uses most during heavy training for muscle fuel! Taking a few capsules at the beginning and middle of your workout will help your training immensely! Even better, get your self a high quality intra-workout drink fortified with at least 8-10 grams of BCAAs or more! EAAs (Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Methionine, Lysine, Arginine, Threonine, Phenylalanine, and Valine) which are those amino acids that trigger you muscle building or repair response after training are very important to the bodybuilder. Some folks prefer a couple scoops of whey protein, but we here have seen better progress with 10-15 grams of EAAs after training with zero stomach problems.

Conclusion: Keeping your body anabolic requires that you pay attention to how much and when your feeding your body! Gorging to much food over time only breaks the body down with the stress of processing way to much food! Grab yourself some good Peptide bonded Amino Acids tablets o Beef Liver tablets for between meals, a high quality Whey Protein for extra protein when meals can't be reached and BCAAs along with EAAs to boost workout performance and speed recovery! GO TRAIN!!!!!

tags: athlete nutrition supplements protein amino acids muscle builderwhole foods

Train Smart & Train Hard!

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